Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Must Watch News

Wah lau eh!?!

Last time when I was a small boy, my father every time ask me watch News but I think: News where got nice to watch one?

Now I know why he ask me to watch lah... Wah lau eh!?! Even News team also watch the prawns... Hosay!~

Monday, 6 September 2010

No Money for the Lao Jiao

Wah lau eh!?!

I read in the Straits Times our Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong announced got this National Service Recognition Award of S$ 9,000 for every national serviceman. Got money of course I am happy lah. But then I also understood that people who already MR liao got no chance, just like Adolf here...

Me? I still long way to go before ROD so I sure to get (at least some small part of) the sweet S$ 9,000... Show me the money!!!


Sunday, 5 September 2010

Wae Oh Wah Oh Wah Oh

Wah lau eh!?!

I think this one is the best Kit Kat advertisement, ever! I see the Ah Girl go "Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!" very funny lah... Don't believe me, just watch for yourself lah... Hosay!~

How? I never bluff you right? Steady lah... Hosay!~

Friday, 3 September 2010

Man Replaces Girlfriend with Doll

Wah lau eh!?!

Got this 50-year old Italian businessman cannot forget his ex-girlfriend; miss her so much then what to do?

(50-year old again... Wassup lah!?! Please see this and that posting on siao 50-year old businessmen)

If you miss your girlfriend very much, then maybe you watch the video you take with her (or of her); or maybe you see her photographs again and again and again... Teo boh?

But this guy is rich lah... Rich people don't do this kind of normal, expected things. Rich people are special one so what he did was this...

He took all the photographs of his ex-girlfriend and then he went to find an adult toymaker and told the toy maker "I want it just like her but with bigger boobs".

Wah... Not bad ah... He "got" back his girlfriend with upgrades some more... Hosay!~

You think I anyhow say one ah? This one is reported in Italy's Il Messaggero newspaper ok... The online reference can be found here.

Anyway, you think this is ordinary doll you buy from Carrefour or Giant ah? This doll is not S$ 39.95 or some cheap-cheap, made in third world country quality one ok? It is made out of state-of-the art space material hor...

The completed doll costs the lau ah peh business man US$ 18,000... Which is about S$ 25,000. If you think the doll is like those blow-up, full of air one, then you are wrong already ok?

This doll weighs 58kg and is about 1.6m tall and the doll-maker, Mr Bortolin said the doll is fully flexible and can take on any movement or position a human can. Steady right?

Maybe I should go and get one but before that, anybody can lend me S$ 25,000? I promise I will repay you one... Hosay!~

Thursday, 2 September 2010

US Student who Electrocuted his Nipples Sues Teacher

Wah lau eh!?!

Got one 18-year-old US student, Kyle Dubois, deliberately electrocuted himself during science class then his heart stopped.

He never die so now he is suing his teacher for not warning him it was dangerous.

See his ko teh face you already know he boh nao one lah...?

Dubois and his parents claim teacher Thomas Kelley did not tell him and other students of the dangers of the demonstration power cords in their electrical trades class.

Like this also need to say meh? Sibeh jialat...

Full story can be found here.